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Items |
Contents |
Revised |
Cryosection preparation kit (1) |
For research work |
in preparation |
Cryosection preparation kit (2) |
For biopsy work |
in preparation |
Paraffin sesction praparation kit |
Both works |
in preparation |
for hard tissue work |
for hard tissue and soft tissue |
Cryofilm type 2C(9) |
for research and biopsy woks |
in preparation |
Cryofilm type 2C(10) |
for research work |
in preparation |
Transfer film |
for transferring the section |
in preparation |
LMD film |
for ‚k‚l‚c work |
in preparation |
Paraffin transfer film |
for preparing paraffin sections |
in preparation |
Disposable blade holder |
for SL series blads |
in preparation |
SL series
Tungsten carbide blade
SizeF 8.0‚ƒ‚ in length
SL-25 (Cutting angle: 25degrees) |
in preparation |
SL-30 (Cutting angle:30degrees) |
SL-35 (Cutting angle: 35degrees) |
SL-40 (Cutting angle: 40degrees) |
H-E staining |
in preparation |
enzyme histochemistry, et al
(see the applications) |
in preparation |
H-E staining
fluoresecnce et al. et al
(see the applications)
in preparation |
Toluidine blue staining (see the applications) |
in preparation |
UV Quick Cryosection Mounter |
for polymerizing the SCMM-R2 & R3 |
in preparation |
Quick section washer |
Ø•Ð…ô—p |
in preparation |