This method was created to produce very thin complete sections from hard tissues and large specimens by Dr. Tadafumi Kawamoto (Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan) in 1981 and demonstrated in 1990. The method was completed in 2008.
Kawamoto's film method (2000)
A special adhesive film is used for supporting the section. The method
produces thin complete sections from hard tissues and large specimens.
However the adhesive film has to be prepared with a synthetic glue and
a sheet of plastic film just before use.
The kit was supplied as a Cryofilm Transfer Kit.
Kawamoto's film method (2003)
The section preparation procedures are almost the same as the previous
one but a precoated adhesive film was used. The sections can be placed
in hot water (120C) and xylene.
The kit was supplied as a New Cryofilm Transfer Kit.
Kawamoto's film method (2006)
A super adhesive film (Cryofilm type 2C) is developed.
The adhesive film has very strong stickness at a low temperature.
Addition to it, an embedding medium(SCEM), which is suitable for this method,
was developed.
The kit consisted was supplied as a Multi-Purpose Cryosection Prepataion Kit.
Kawamoto's film method (2008)
This is the latest Kawamoto's film method.
A mounting medium was developed to preserve permanently the section.
The medium causes no shrinkage sections.
In addition to it, the medium shows very beautiful histology.
The section preparation is completed within 20 min after specimen dissection.
Advantages of Kawamoto's film method (2008)
1) Thin sections ( two micro meter thick) are prepared from hard tissues
and large specimens.
2) All the tissue components are almost perfectly preserved.
3) The sections are no distortion.
4) The sections are used for many kinds of study such as histology, histochemistry, and immunohistochemistry.
5) Immunostaining is carried out with nonfixed and undecalcified sections.
6) The sections are permanently preserved with SCMM-R2 or R3.
7) All the steps (embedding, sectioning, staining, mounting) are carried
out within 20 minutes.
8) The section can be examined at high power.
9) The sections prepared with LMD film are applied to the LMD technique.
10) You don't need special tecniques and trainigs.
11) The method is applied for many types of specimen such as experimental animals
, fishes, insects and plants

Sept. 25, 2009